Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ahhhhh I'm such a slacker! I started this blog so I can share my adventures but I have only put up two posts since last summer.  Since the only people that read my blog are my family and friends that I force my posts upon I don't think anyone has been sitting idly waiting my next blog entry. haha.  I have had some cool trips since then and so many more to come!  I think the theme for 2014 is "America...Discovering the Gems at Home."  Most people want to leave America and  see what the other continents have to offer.  I was like that too until about 2009 when I did my cross country road trip from LA to NYC. I know I know I have to write a post about that.  But on that trip it opened my eyes to how beautiful our own country is. Since then I love traveling to new parts of our home territory not yet discovered by yours truly.  I have even been rediscovering cities that I have been to many times in the past!  Okay so here's to new adventures and trying to stay on top of my blog!

Just had to mention that last Christmas my Kris Kringle got me an awesome gift!  I got a framed map of the world that you can put push pins in to track all your travels!  Of course I started putting in my pins the moment it arrived at my house!  Every time I look at it it makes me want to go on another adventure.  

These are some other really awesome gifts I have received over the year.  Well Angel got me the 1000 Ultimate Experiences book two Christmas' ago.  The other three were courtesy of my very thoughtful little sister.  Some people just know me so well. =)