Okay I wrote this whole lengthy post last week and after two hours in I accidentally deleted it, then the blank page got back up, then I closed it and voila...post vanished. I was soo freaking annoyed. Ten minutes prior Angel accidentally tripped over my power chord and he thought it was his fault that it got erased. So I let him think that the rest of the night and he was just trying his hardest to make it up to me! Let me now try my 2nd attempt at this post.
Angel, Michelle and I left NYC early morning on a Saturday in March. We had to meet up Alex, Sam and his cousin Kenzie in Jersey so we could all fit into one vehicle. My brother Kris originally planned to come as well but work obligations kept him in NJ. It was a good thing he didn't go however because we were packed to the brim with bags and snacks. The 6 hour drive there would have been uncomfortable with another person. The drive itself wasn't bad at all. We had lots of snacks to hold us over along with lengthy Game of Thrones conversations. Alex wanted to be the only one to drive, which I was fine with. I figured because we were borrowing his mom's SUV he didn't want anyone to be liable. I'm sure Angel agrees that the drive was smooth because he slept the whole 6 hours. That boy can sleep through anything!

Alex and Sam's brother Jon met us up and brought us to Boustan for lunch. It's this tiny small and crowded Lebanese joint on Rue Cresent. Oh man it was sooo freaking good. I think it was the best falafel sandwich I have ever had. Everyone was in foodie heaven. What was even better was that the food was only a couple of bucks. When you add in the currency exchange rate it was almost nothing! It definitely fit into our budget friendly weekend.

By the time we left we were craving for some late night snacks. Down the block we found Patati Patata which happened to be on my foodie list of places to try. We all ordered poutine to go and ate it ravenously back at the apartment. Angel was so drunk that he had no idea he ordered vegan poutine so he didn't actually have any cheese or gravy. The next morning he just told us he didn't really enjoy that place so we had to break the news to him.

Later on Michelle had told me she would've went but she didn't have any cash on her. I wish she would've said something. We would've had no problem paying for her! She doesn't like to travel too often and so I really wanted her to experience some new things with me. At this point everyone was cold and tired so we decided to recover back at the apartment until it was time to meet up Jon again at night.
We met him at his school Concordia. He writes for the school paper The Link. It was cool checking out where he spends most of his time. From there we went for something quick to eat. We walked around and came across a bar that was hosting a trivia night. If you know me then you know how much I love my trivia. But this place asked questions that were so ridiculously hard it was not even fun to play. We tried to stay as long as week could but at one point we just got up in the middle of the round and had to walk out. I didn't want to end the night on a boring note so I got some Boustans to cheer me up real quick.
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Top: La Banquise Bottom: Patati Patata |

Finally it was time to call it a wrap on our trip. We all decided the best way to close it out was to get Boustans. Of course I got one for the road was well. =P I'm so glad our first sibling trip was a success. I love traveling and I hope to share doing the thing I love with the people I love more often. I am looking forward to many more in the future.